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JSON Parse Task

JSON Parse tasks parse a JSON payload and extract a value at a given keypath.


  • data: the JSON string. Can be:
    • string
    • byte array
  • path: the keypath to extract. Must be a comma-delimited list of keys, or specify a custom separator alternative.
  • separator: (optional) custom path key separator. Defaults to comma (,).
  • lax (optional): if false (or omitted), and the keypath doesn’t exist, the task will error. If true, the task will return nil to the next task.


The value at the provided keypath.


my_json_task [type="jsonparse"

This task returns 123.45 (float64) when given the following example data value:

  "data": [{ "price": 123.45 }, { "price": 678.9 }]

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